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2018-12-10 来源: SMH 原文链接 评论10条



《悉尼晨锋报》报道称,1981年,中国政府与出版商David Syme & Co达成了合作协议。在澳方资金的援助下,《中国日报》才得以正式出版。

鲜为人知的历史!这份中国党报,竟是澳媒协助创办的(组图) - 1


40年前,中国领导人邓小平开始推行改革开放政策,扩大中国与世界的交流。与此同时,中澳关系也开始稳步发展,Fraser政府还专门成立了澳中理事会(Australia China Council)。

本周,澳洲国立大学学者Paul Farrelly将在北京推出一本新书,该书详细记录了澳中理事会在过去40年的发展。

Farrelly表示,当他得知《中国日报》与澳洲有着如此深的渊源时,也感到非常惊讶。在书中,澳中理事会的创始成员之一,小说家Thomas Keneally谈及了自己访问中国,帮助创办《中国日报》的这段历史。

鲜为人知的历史!这份中国党报,竟是澳媒协助创办的(组图) - 2




1980年底,《时代报》的培训主管John Lawrence,一名排字工人以及多名工程师被派往北京,这批培训人员还带了一台电脑排版机前往中国。根据此前达成的协议,David Syme & Co负责出售《中国日报》在海外的广告并挣取佣金。

《时代报》当时的特别项目经理Jack Beverley表示,那时候,中国的报纸上根本没有广告,所以这份协议可以说是“开天辟地”。

鲜为人知的历史!这份中国党报,竟是澳媒协助创办的(组图) - 3

时代报主编Greg Taylor与中国副总理李先念(图片来源:《悉尼晨锋报》)

1979年,《时代报》的Forbes,Beverley以及另外一名编辑Michael Davie在中国待了好几周,他们在苏州吃了螃蟹,在上海参加了宴会,随后在北京见到了当时的中国副总理李先念。


《时代报》时任董事长Ranald Macdonald批准了该项目。在前澳洲驻华大使Stephen Fitzgerald的帮助下,中澳双方就此事达成了合作协议。

鲜为人知的历史!这份中国党报,竟是澳媒协助创办的(组图) - 4



1982年澳洲国庆日时,《中国日报》花了整整8页来介绍澳洲,其首页还印有澳洲总理Malcolm Fraser的亲笔写的一段话。

可惜的是,中澳间的这种合作关系并没有持续太久,澳方随后选择了退出。现任《时代报》主编Alex Lavelle表示:“现如今,很难看到这种合作关系了。但在40年前,澳洲政府和编辑们对此非常支持。”

(Ming Chen)

今日评论 网友评论仅供其表达个人看法,并不表明网站立场。
土澳居民Os1La 2018-12-10 回复
起初国人自己都看不透的事情, 憨憨的外国人能看透吗?现在都学会去思考了......
周茂林 2018-12-10 回复
幸福小家貓 2018-12-10 回复
希望两国关系能回暖 华人夹在中间不是个事
Eric2012 2018-12-09 回复
Bill 2018-12-12 回复
原文评论: Comments are now closedLOG IN TO JOIN THE CONVERSATION TheRat 5 DAYS AGO In the spirit of free press, certainly well intentioned, whether that was on both sides? or are we just UIs? RESPECT SteveHtaz 6 DAYS AGO Maybe little known, but it comes as no great surprise. RESPECT1 John Ralph 6 DAYS AGO Fascinating part of history, and of human nature. China went on to take what it could from the Western World and play by its own rules, something that even today many Australian politicians just do not understand. I have met many Chinese at at levels in many countries. The expression is one can be a friend but one can never be Chinese, which is fine as long as one understands just where they sit in the relationship. I am aware of another SE Asian country where something similar also occurred, and today is one of the most widely read English language newspapers in the region. Interesting in that case the local interface was an "intelligence officer" and who is still referred to a Western and local political expert. Things are not always what they seem. RESPECT1 John from Wagga 6 DAYS AGO David Syme and Co. A GREAT media company. All gone now and swallowed up into the homogenous mass media. Fairfax do their best I suppose with ever dwindling resources. RESPECT Bright Spark 6 DAYS AGO How times have changed. The Chinese English daily Global Times has mastered the English media & the art of Communist propaganda with its anti-West tirades being some of the most obnoxious in the world. RESPECT1 Wolfgang Mitlohner 6 DAYS AGO Funded by the Australian Gov. Typical. A paper which is now used against us but was funded by us. Another example of Government folly. A bit like spending millions on CSIRO research and then selling the the knowledge to Chinese companies - which happens a lot. RESPECT1 Rob 6 DAYS AGO Great article from Ms Needham, who is one of Fairfax's better overseas correspondents. Good to see some primary source research, not just the usual copy and paste from other outlets. Really interesting story. RESPECT rex.changer 6 DAYS AGO Oh dear, they were just using the naive Aussies. "There was a lot of goodwill" - sure sure because they wanted something we had. Once they acquired the computers and technical expertise of running the newspaper then it was see ya later. RESPECT Susan Smithers 6 DAYS AGO Classic! Good reporting. Not having read George Orwell,or if having read it not having understood it, most Australians simply conflate dislike of Chinese totalitarianism with a dislike of multiculturalism. I mean think about this for a minute. Its pretty shabby. But under the guise of multiculturalism, and calling out anyone who may protest as racist, Australia is being taken over. The latest...English need not be the dominant spoken language! Glad I have a US passport. Will no doubt need it when Australia is run from Beijing, political prisoners are locked up and killed, food is tainted, and there is no free press. And to think that Tony Abbotts "free trade agreement" was with a country that fixes its does not do free trade. RESPECT Gatsby 6 DAYS AGO If only "Let a hundred flowers bloom, let 100 schools of thoughts contend" was a principle applied today in newspaper comment moderation policy. RESPECT1 Peter M 6 DAYS AGO Silly me. I thought the Australian media learnt from the Chinese how to censor... RESPECT1 Alex 6 DAYS AGO The worst thing the West ever did was engage with Communist China, make them rich. Look how it's turned out. RESPECT1 Joan Way 6 DAYS AGO Kirsty, China Daily is an official tongue of the Chinese government. Adding “ communist China propaganda” does not give the readers much room for their own judgement. For those who read China Daily quite often, China Daily is mostly factual, although they represent official views certain issues. RESPECT George Wendell 6 DAYS AGO Well I always like Kirsty Needham's articles because they just report on issues without giving opinion. This unlike some of the others who report on China with a clear bias. While China often gets criticised for wanting to control opinion, the evidence is that they allow foreign journalists into their country to report widely about conditions there, and frequently with a negative slant. I would question however, why Chinese media is always called propaganda, while the Western main stream media never attracts such a description when many of us know that it often works as a propaganda machine itself seeking to push certain political lines. We just experienced an example of this with the demise of Turnbull, and in the US Fox media always pushes a right wing pro-war pro-US agenda. RESPECT Leftist Elite Koolaid 6 DAYS AGO The Australian media runs Leftist Elite propaganda just like their Chinese comrades do. Just look at the media machine run by the Labor Party voting public servants. RESPECT Renegade 6 DAYS AGO Interesting article. I've met many Chinese people that are incredibly warm hearted. However, in China, the government has total reach. The Chinese accept it, because there is no choice. Given the size of the country, and the regional differences, it would be difficult to see "small government" achieve much. Despite the lack of freedom, and the unfairness of their system at times, they've achieved a lot of good for their people. However, I fear that they have made all the easy gains in their domestic infrastructure, and from providing cheap labour to the world, and now want economic gains from somewhat nefarious means such as technology theft, whether sanctioned by the CCP government or merely condoned, it could not occur without their knowledge and acquiescence. RESPECT

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