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大使疫情手记 (双语5) —— 居家禁闭,才刚刚开始

2020-04-02 来源: VermilionArt朱雀画廊 原文链接 评论0条

大使疫情手记 (双语5) —— 居家禁闭,才刚刚开始 - 1

作者:Geoff Raby



前澳大利亚驻华大使、艺术收藏家、经济学家、专栏作家 Dr Geoff Raby AO 原计划于二月底返回北京,后因疫情爆发滞留悉尼。朱雀艺术特别开设【号外】专栏,连载大使的疫情手记。今日连载至第5篇。




大使疫情手记 (双语5) —— 居家禁闭,才刚刚开始 - 2



大使疫情手记 (双语5) —— 居家禁闭,才刚刚开始 - 3



大使疫情手记 (双语5) —— 居家禁闭,才刚刚开始 - 4

居家禁闭的日子和往常简直天壤之别 。我的邻居原本过着相当平静的生活,送孩子上学、参加活动、奢华度假,这也给我们的生活带来一片和祥。可现如今,他们的孩子每天都在尖叫打闹,还用萨克斯发出刺耳的噪音,我甚至觉得他们是故意的。而这一切,仅仅是开始!

大使疫情手记 (双语5) —— 居家禁闭,才刚刚开始 - 5

Geoff Raby’s Pandemic Journal 5

Home confinement, just the beginning

First day of home confinement has been and almost gone. Beautiful weather in the morning for the legally permitted exercise walk, which we are stretching out, longer and longer, simply to enjoy the freedom of being outside.

It is now starting to feel like a forced confinement. The day has passed quickly enough. That itself is curious. Where did the time go? And tomorrow will be the same again, and the day after the same and so on. Will weeks, perhaps months disappear like this? Could this be like prison, except much more comfortable. 

Encouraging news is being broadcast that the rate of new infections may have begun to slow. Care is taken to prevent our hopes rising too much, but it helps to know that all that we are doing may actually make a difference. We are told it will. But being told is one thing, the hard numbers another.  

And then the evening news is reporting that six Qantas baggage handlers at Adelaide airport have been infected.  So the numbers could easily peak again.  That has occurred as airlines are pretty much completely shut down, and are more than busy lobbying government for taxpayer subsidies than carrying fare paying passengers. A cluster has also been reported in the Barossa Valley of South Australia. Was there any connection? Probably not, but it is another coincidence and it makes you wonder about such things when cooped up at home. Most likely we are all watching too much television news.

Hand sanitiser is in short supply and prices are high. Recalling the other great disaster that was occupying those of us in Australia only a few short months ago, the devastating conflagration across south eastern Australia, smoke-tainted crops from vineyards in South Australia are now going to be turned into ethanol for sanitiser as they’re useless for making wine. An opportunity has emerged from a disaster.

On this day, for the people of the United States there seems little reason to feel there’s even one shaft of sunlight. The sight of two huge navy hospital ships entering New York, gliding past the Statue of Liberty, and anchoring off Los Angeles convey so many dispiriting messages for the US.  

On one hand, they attest to the scale of the problem that is coming and, at the same time, how badly equipped are the civil authorities to deal with it. It is astonishing for the world to see the greatest military and economic power on earth having to send major military assets to help save its own people, on its own soil, in two of the richest cities on earth. It is no wonder that my Wechat moments have been saturated with these images all day today. In the past, we would all have expected such a great display of US military might and benevolence to be for poor countries flattened by some civil emergency or another, not for its own cities. 

Home confinement has its contrasts. My neighbours had a fairly undisturbed life taking kids to school, to events and then on expensive holidays. It gave us peace and quiet. Now, kids are screaming, fighting, trying to play saxophone so badly it is hard to believe it is not on purpose. And this is just the beginning!

大使疫情手记 (双语5) —— 居家禁闭,才刚刚开始 - 6

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