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大使疫情手记 (双语12) —— 复活节的蟑螂

2020-04-11 来源: VermilionArt朱雀画廊 原文链接 评论1条

大使疫情手记 (双语12) —— 复活节的蟑螂 - 1

作者:Geoff Raby



前澳大利亚驻华大使、艺术收藏家、经济学家、专栏作家 Dr Geoff Raby AO 原计划于二月底返回北京,后因新冠疫情爆发滞留悉尼。朱雀艺术特别开设【号外】专栏,连载大使的疫情手记。今日连载至第12篇。



悉尼是出了名的蟑螂多。它们似乎偏爱这里的气候,温暖潮湿,而且不像热带那么黏腻。我们今天安装了一台新烤箱,因为我的旧烤箱的电子元件被蟑螂吃掉了。它们的饮食习惯真是奇怪,但据说这些虫子将是唯一可以从核灾难中存活下来的生物。毕竟它们可是在十五年里把一台电器给蚕食瓦解了 。

大使疫情手记 (双语12) —— 复活节的蟑螂 - 2



大使疫情手记 (双语12) —— 复活节的蟑螂 - 3




大使疫情手记 (双语12) —— 复活节的蟑螂 - 4



大使疫情手记 (双语12) —— 复活节的蟑螂 - 5

Geoff Raby’s Pandemic Journal 12

Cockroaches at Easter

Sydney is well known for its cockroaches. It seems they like the usually warm humid weather, without the cloying stickiness of the tropics. A new oven was installed today. The cockroaches had eaten the electronics of the old one. Strange diet, but it is said these bugs will be the only creature left after a nuclear holocaust. Anyway, they had fifteen years to chomp away and render the electronics useless.

It seems that things can happen more quickly in the time of the virus. No one seems to be spending much money these days when everyone is feeling so vulnerable. Still, it took three visits by tradespeople to finally replace and install the oven. It is amusing that things like this become a preoccupation when you’re confined to home.

It is timely as Easter is here and another excuse, if one is needed, for more cooking. It is the season for roast lamb and hot cross buns. An oven is necessary. The government is telling all of us that, although it is Easter, we mustn’t go anywhere. No social interaction at this time is a tough message.

Things are looking up. The new infection rate is not only flat but is falling. The number of deaths remains low, at less than I per cent of infections. It is something to be pleased about.  It is a tribute to the speed the government moved at to impose social distancing, lock us in our homes, and educate about basic sanitisation. Three cheers!  I guess it also helps when only 25 million people occupy such a vast area as we do in Australia. Distancing comes naturally to us.

Despite, or because of the economic hardships that are now settling heavily on people like a dense thick fog, the evening news reports that online gambling is one of the fastest growing industries during the emergency. It is such an Australian response to crisis. There is a certain irreverence about Australian’s which is endearing. It is a national attitude that says, “who gives a stuff?”!

Poor Boris Johnson is still in hospital, and seems to be quite unwell, but fortunately not dangerously so. I hope the Easter Bunny can find its way and escape all the quarantine to deliver some chocolate eggs on Sunday. Donald Trump has not re-opened the country as he promised. In fact, the death toll in both the US and the UK continues to break records.  Wuhan has sort of opened as promised by the Chinese Government. The first day of no new infections in Wuhan just as its re-opens looks too neat to be credible. But who knows, it might be true.

Bernie Sanders announced that he was suspending his campaign and throwing his considerable and energised supporter base behind Biden. This is big news on the eve of Easter. This is a real-life resurrection. Biden has come back from the dead. For the first time, Trump looks vulnerable. He may not win. The cockroaches may lift their heads from munching wiring and start to think, oh shit! 

Happy Easter everyone. See you back after the holiday.

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