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KPMG澳洲今天宣布任命新CEO,Andrew Yates

2021-03-30 来源: 澳洲四大号外 原文链接 评论0条

KPMG澳洲今天宣布任命新CEO,Andrew Yates - 1

KPMG Australia董事会今天上午11点(2021年3月30日)宣布,已任命安德鲁·耶茨(Andrew Yates)自2021年7月1日起为毕马威澳大利亚(KPMG Australia)的新首席执行官(CEO)。

安德鲁将接任加里·温格罗夫(Gary Wingrove),后者在任职CEO八年后退休。 


KPMG 媒体发布

Embargoed until 11am AEDT, 30 March 2021

KPMG Australia appoints Andrew Yates as new CEO

KPMG Australia Chairman Alison Kitchen today announced the Board has appointed Andrew Yates as its new CEO.

Andrew will assume the role on 1 July 2021, succeeding Gary Wingrove, who will retire from the Australian firm after an eight-year term as CEO.

Andrew has led KPMG’s Audit, Assurance & Risk Consulting division and been a member of the National Executive Committee since 2017. He has been lead partner for some of the firm’s largest clients and has significant experience across a wide range of sectors.

He joined KPMG as a graduate in 1990, becoming a partner in 2001, and his career with the firm has involved long-term assignments in New York and Hong Kong, in addition to Australia. He has a Bachelor of Economics from the Australian National University.

Alison Kitchen said: “We are delighted to appoint Andrew to head the next chapter of growth for KPMG Australia. Andrew is an outstanding leader with deep relationships and broad respect across corporate Australia. He is recognised across the firm for his strong values, integrity and ethics agenda.

“Under his direction, the Audit, Assurance & Risk Consulting business – a mix of regulated and consulting practices - has transformed and thrived. Andrew has driven a very deliberate strategy focused on growth, disruption and bringing on new talent while also nurturing the core of our business and ensuring we provide confidence in the capital markets.”

Gary Wingrove said: “Andrew is a values-driven leader. He can make tough business decisions while nurturing a strong culture. It’s a privilege to be CEO of this business and I’m looking forward to working closely with him as he prepares to take over the role.”

Andrew Yates said: “KPMG has been my professional life, and I have a deep passion for the success of the firm and our people. I’m humbled to be asked to lead the firm as we continue to expand our contribution to our clients, the capital markets and society. Going forward, I’m committed to fostering the culture of care and high performance developed under Gary’s leadership, and driving a vibrant and energetic firm.”

Alison acknowledged Gary’s contribution commenting: “While there will be opportunities to farewell Gary later in the year, it’s important to note today that he has laid an incredibly strong foundation for our future.

“During Gary’s tenure, the firm has grown to almost double in size – including through the revitalisation of our investment strategy, which has seen us invest in all parts of our business via a mix of talent, external acquisitions and technology. And he’s driven a step-change in the gender diversity of our leadership, overseeing the achievement of our inaugural target for women partners – and paved the way for us to broaden and expand our inclusion ambitions with the launch of a further gender diversity target and our first cultural diversity target.”

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Andrew Yates





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