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Don't work with this company DB Development Pty Ltd. Jarrod Gaudron hasn't paid us five weeks' salary . This is our money to support our family, especially our leader has two two-month-old childs for feed. We consulted other tradies, many people can't get the final payment for the project he contracted. A few of them helped him do the demolition project, and a few helped him build Xxxx Fashion.none of them get wages. Our leader also called his customers, and the customer said that the final payment had been settled for him. We also heard that he used the money to play polo and bet on horses. Last warning for you!stop playing the games and hiding,we will get your full details from our leader and post out everything! Stop cheat and lie,this is worker's hard earned money! 别跟这家公司 DB Development Pty Ltd干活,Jarrod Gaudron他已经五周没付我们工资,这是我们养家糊口的钱,特别是我们的领头还有两个两个月大孩子要抚养, 我们咨询了其他的builder,好多的人也在他承包的工程上拿不到尾款有几个是帮他做拆除工程,还有几个是帮他建xxxx Fashion,没有人拿到工资,我们领导也打给他顾客,顾客说已经把尾款结给他。我们也听说他把钱拿去打马球赌马。 最后通知你!不要再做老赖或躲避,我们会向我们的老板拿你的全部资料然后全部公布! 不要欺骗说谎!这是我们的幸苦钱! #lavingtondoctors #lavingtonsquare #sydneyconstruction #sydneydodgybuilder #lier #cheater #westfield #stockland
今日评论 网友评论仅供其表达个人看法,并不表明网站立场。
土澳居民o4NDH 22小时前 回复
这家伙不能用,我们上次帮他在布里斯班Westfield商场抹灰,活干完就不给钱,之后我们到那家店要钱。他开口闭口就是报警 要你的命,满口谎话,烂赌鬼一个

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