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2021-11-19 来源: 搜狐时尚 原文链接 评论0条

Confucian Xing Tianyi boutique recommendation- -Yuhara Stone


Yuyuan stone refers to the jade without processing and carving, which has a large vision, design and creation space.Generally speaking, jade source stone can be generally divided into jade seed material, mountain material, mountains and water, etc.Open the interior of the jade, it is mostly felt, plush-like fiber structure, and no cavity.The identification point of yuhara stone is density and hardness, as well as shape and size of defects.

儒行天弈精品推荐--玉原石 - 1


Generally speaking, the appearance, type, composition and characteristics of jade determine its market value, and the personality characteristics of jade is very strong, we in the appraisal, can not only by its origin, type to delimit, to make a comprehensive analysis of many aspects, and finally a reasonable valuation.

儒行天弈精品推荐--玉原石 - 2


For example, the common marble, quartzite, sodium feldspar jade density is low, the forged jade on the market is often very low quality, lower density, real jade and real jade is not only high density, but also the hardness is relatively large, they are significantly higher than those fake jade.

儒行天弈精品推荐--玉原石 - 3

儒行天弈精品推荐--玉原石 - 4


Secondly, jade, as a fiber interwoven structure, block structure treasure, under the observation of the magnification glass, we can also observe its special structure, its toughness is far higher than the granular structure of marble and quartzite, which is also a very good identification method.

儒行天弈精品推荐--玉原石 - 5

儒行天弈精品推荐--玉原石 - 6


This piece of jade raw stone, the shape is very unique, mainly to the block, and less natural defects, from the texture of the color, structure shape, defect size and other aspects of the analysis.This jade source stone is fine, jade meat is like condensed fat, pure without miscellaneous color, rich and bright, clean and warm. Such jade is the jade of the highest grade form, followed by pieces and water droplets. Therefore, its value is higher than other antique products.

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