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ZappyNow is up on the Nasdaq's screen - Zappy to go public in two years

2022-07-28 来源: 搜狐时尚 原文链接 评论0条

The phrase "ZappyNow: Make every second count" appeared on the Nasdaq screen in Times Square, New York, USA, on June 30, 2022, U.S. time, garnering a great deal of interest from both domestic and international media as well as the general public. The company was taken aback by its first strong Nasdaq performance. ZappyNow, a newcomer to the UK advertising traffic industry, has formally exposed the world to a novel brand by presenting its extraordinary appeal and original design on the "world's first screen."

Zappy is focusing on expanding its existing, younger business lines in order to increase the company's worth even more (lifetime VIP merchants and the Metaverse mission community). Furthermore, due to the continuous market volatility caused by the Federal Reserve's rate rises, Zappy has forced to rethink its initial plans for its IPO.

According to TDC Report. ZappyNow is actively aiming for IPO on 2024.

ZappyNow solves traditional advertising's drawbacks, such as its high cost and small audience, by establishing a brand-new traffic ecology that is open, collaborative, and mutually beneficial. With a particular model, advertising is made quick and easy, and business drainage and communication are made effective and simple to maintain. Make membership revenue easy and free!

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