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英语新闻|Youth gala deepens cultural exchanges

2022-08-11 来源: 搜狐时尚 原文链接 评论0条



The coastal city of Qingdao in East China's Shandong province recently attracted attention by hosting the 2022 "SCO Summer" Youth Gala Week.

The event, which ran from July 28 to Aug 6, aimed to deepen cultural exchanges among young people from countries of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. Its members are China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, India and Pakistan.

It was jointly organized by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the Secretariat of the SCO, and the Shandong provincial government.

At the opening ceremony, youth representatives launched an initiative on the SCO youth innovation and entrepreneurship camp, and suggested more young people join in.

The camp plans to build a platform for youth innovation and entrepreneurship at home and abroad, and focuses on cultivating related talents for SCO member countries. It will also gather world-renowned universities, enterprises and human resources to carry out activities themed in culture, tourism, trade, artificial intelligence and others both online and offline.

Moreover, the initiative is expected to strengthen cultural exchanges within the SCO framework, create an atmosphere for innovation and entrepreneurship, stimulate the enthusiasm of young people, and contribute to the common development of the SCO, according to its representatives.

Another important part of the opening ceremony was a photo exhibition supported by the Silk Road Photographic Organizations' International Alliance and the China Artistic Photography Society.

The My Homeland-SCO Youth International Photography Exhibition received more than 1,800 entries over three months by more than 200 young photographers and some master photographers from eight member states, four observer countries and nine dialogue partners of the SCO.

More than 130 photos were put on display, which showcased social development, people's daily lives, local customs and the natural scenery of various ethnic groups in the SCO member countries.

On July 29, the first session of the SCO Countries Youth Performance and Art Forum was held as one of the major cultural activities of the gala week.

The 2022 "SCO Summer" Youth Gala Week deepens cultural exchanges among young people from countries of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. CHINA DAILY

Source:CHINA DAILY-Charming Qingdao

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