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Some Measures about Pigeon farming

2023-02-08 来源: 搜狐时尚 原文链接 评论0条

What medicine to feed to improve the fertilization rate of pigeons? Tips to improve pigeon egg production, methods to improve pigeon reproduction, pure herbs to improve pigeon immunity, measures to improve pigeon fertilization rate, methods to improve pigeon egg production level, feed to improve pigeon egg production rate, feeding methods to improve pigeon disease prevention, methods to improve pigeon egg production

Pigeons laying eggs and breeding is a normal thing in itself. But some pigeons often lay eggs without sperm. The pigeon eggs look normal, but they are not fertilized, or they are dead, and the embryos inside do not develop properly. This situation naturally has a great impact on the breeding process.

A. Reasons for the increase of spermless eggs in pigeons

1. There are a few individuals who are congenitally infertile, both male and female. These pigeons should be eliminated. When a pigeon is suspected to be infertile, let it mate with three different heterosexuals. If all three crosses do not produce fertilized eggs, then the pigeon is sterile.

2. The female pigeon has an abnormal reproductive tract that does not produce fertilized eggs. Eggs with chalky shells are almost 100% sterile or unhatchable. Certain types of health sand can make the pigeon stop producing eggs with chalky shells.

3. Irregular mating, if the environment is overcrowded and if there are single pigeons in the paired loft will also increase the percentage of spermless eggs.

4. The older the pigeon is, the more likely it is to produce azoospermic eggs. Adequate records should be kept of all breeding pigeons so that individuals with a high percentage of infertile eggs can be detected and eliminated in time.

5, Many breeds, especially heavy breeds, are prone to produce azoospermic eggs and generally produce up to 50% of the first clutch of azoospermic eggs.

6, The interval between two nests is too short. If a pair loses the eggs they produce and quickly produces a clutch of eggs, then the later produced nest is likely to be one without sperm. The hen will not rest for 7 to 10 days and will return to normal.

7. Improper management or improper diet can seriously damage the reproductive performance of the pigeons. Unbalanced feed and health sand will increase the percentage of infertile eggs.

8, Excessive thickness of the outer anal villi affects mating, if scissors are used to remove the anal villi, the fertilization rate can be improved.

9, the body is too big, especially if the hen is too big and often infertile. Breeding pigeons should have a moderate size and normal physique.

There are three most important reasons for this: first, the pigeons are obese and obesity can easily lead to difficulties in fertilization for some pigeons. This phenomenon is very common. Especially some pigeons that have been kept in cages for a long time without paying attention to proper feeding are prone to obesity and then have difficulties in laying eggs or laying spermless eggs.

For such a problem, you can only make the pigeon lose weight, and it usually returns to normal after that.

Pigeons laying spermless eggs due to medication, such as sickness medication

Secondly, pigeons laying spermless eggs because of medication, such as medication for sickness, preventive medication, etc., too much, or without a transition period, then medication may cause pigeons to lay spermless eggs.

Thirdly, the pigeons are too old, usually the males are too old to reproduce normally, then even if they step on the back and the hens lay eggs, there will be a spermless egg.

So be sure to leave some excellent offspring for the pigeons in advance, don't wait until the pigeons are old and then regret it.

Fourth, the lack of some necessary nutritional elements, such as some pigeon fanciers pigeons cage, and do not give the pigeons to eat health sand, then it will be easy to appear the situation of azoospermia eggs. It can be said that there are many kinds of spermless eggs, but as long as you feed reasonably, basically there will be no such problems.

Second, the method of improving the fertilization rate of pigeons technology

Technical introduction: In recent years, with the rapid development of the pigeon industry, artificial insemination of pigeons has received more and more attention. Compared with natural mating, the use of artificial insemination technology in the production of breeding pigeons can reduce the amount of breeding males and save production costs; improve the utilization rate of excellent breeding males.

It helps to prevent the mutual transmission of diseases between male and female pigeons; the use of artificial insemination combined with the cage breeding of breeding pigeons can make the breeding eggs clean, reduce pollution, reduce the breakage of breeding eggs and improve the qualification rate, fertilization rate and hatching rate of breeding eggs. In the field of artificial insemination of pigeons, there is less research on artificial insemination of domestic pigeons.

Technical realization idea: In order to solve the above-mentioned problems in the prior art and actual situation, this patented technology provides an artificial insemination method to improve the fertilization rate of pigeons, which is characterized by: it includes the following specific steps: (1), domestic pigeons are given artificial supplemental light for 20 to 40 consecutive days, 12 to 15 hours per day, starting from 170 to 180 days of age, and sperm collection starts at 190 to 220 days of age.

(2), male pigeons increase the level of vitamin E and crude protein in the diet one week before sperm collection, vitamin A and vitamin C are supplied in regular amounts, and metabolic energy is maintained at 19.0MJ/kg to 20.5MJ/kg.

(3), spring and autumn and winter sperm collection time is arranged in the morning 9 ~ 10 o'clock, summer in the afternoon 4 ~ 5 o'clock, every 2 days sperm collection once, continuous sperm collection 3 days rest 1 day, each time 3 ~ 5 birds after the collection of semen diluted and mixed in 20 minutes after the infusion.

Spring and autumn and winter sperm collection time is arranged in the morning 9 to 10 o'clock

Preferably, said step (1) artificial supplemental lighting is to supply 1 LED lighting source per 20 square meters under housing or semi-housing conditions, with a color temperature range of 5500-5800K; said step (2) vitamin E is added at 25-29 IU per kg of diet, and crude protein level is adjusted to 17.0-18.0%.

Said step (3) is from March to May in spring and from October to December in autumn and winter. Preferably, said step (3) dilution is done with a mixture of glucose or/and saline and antimicrobial. Preferably...

Technical protection point: a method of artificial insemination to improve the fertilization rate of pigeons, characterized in that it comprises the following specific steps: (1), the domestic pigeons are given artificial supplemental light for 20 to 40 consecutive days, 12 to 15 hours per day, starting from 170 to 180 days of age, and sperm collection starts at 190 to 220 days of age.

(2), male pigeons increase the level of vitamin E and crude protein in the diet one week before sperm collection, vitamin A and vitamin C are supplied in regular amounts, and metabolic energy is maintained at 19.0MJ/kg to 20.5MJ/kg.

(3), spring and autumn and winter sperm collection is scheduled at 9-10 am, summer at 4-5 pm, sperm collection every 2 days, continuous sperm collection for 3 days rest 1 day, each time 3-5 birds after the collection of semen diluted and mixed in 20 minutes after the infusion.

Summary of technical features: 1. A method of artificial insemination to improve the fertilization rate of pigeons, characterized in that it includes the following specific steps: (1), domestic pigeons are given artificial supplemental light for 20 to 40 consecutive days, 12 to 15 hours per day, starting from 170 to 180 days of age, and sperm collection begins at 190 to 220 days of age.

(2), male pigeons increase the level of vitamin E and crude protein in the diet one week before sperm collection, vitamin A and vitamin C are supplied in regular amounts, and metabolic energy is maintained at 19.0MJ/kg to 20.5MJ/kg.

(3), spring and autumn and winter sperm collection is scheduled at 9-10 a.m., summer at 4-5 p.m., sperm collection every 2 days, continuous sperm collection 3 days rest 1 day, each time 3-5 birds after the semen collection diluted and mixed in 20 minutes after the infusion.

2, according to claim 1 to improve the fertilization rate of pigeons artificial insemination method, characterized in that said step (1) artificial supplemental lighting is house feeding or semi-house feeding conditions supply 1 LED lighting source per 20 square meters, color temperature range of 5500-5800K; said step (2) vitamin E added 25 to 29 IU per kilogram of diet, crude protein level adjustment.

3 months old child pigeons, a selection of the best and the worst can be carried out

Third, the technical measures to improve the reproduction rate of meat pigeons

Meat pigeons have the advantages of early maturity, long service life, strong disease resistance, fast growth (23-28 days after shelling, weight up to 500 grams) and high feed utilization. The cost of raising meat pigeons is low and the benefit is high, and the meat of pigeons is rich in nutrition and has good health and medicinal value. Therefore, pigeon breeding has a broad prospect.

1、Child pigeon breeding

The pigeons that are kept as breeding stock are children before they leave the nest to become sexually mature and paired. The first thing you should do is to keep the pigeons warm and prevent them from getting cold. Child pigeons start to change their feathers around 2 months of age, so you can feed more energy feed to promote the growth of feathers. The herbal medicine such as gentian can be added to the health care sand and licorice extract can be added to the drinking water to prevent respiratory and paratyphoid diseases.

In order to prevent early mating, male and female should be kept separately, regular deworming, health care sand supply should be sufficient, the daily dosage of each pigeon is 3-4 grams. 6 months old pigeons mostly start to sexual maturity, should do a good job of preparation before pairing.

2、Pairing and breeding and attention

(1) Preparation for pairing Firstly, in order to enhance the pigeons' resistance to diseases, immunize them with Newcastle vaccine and remove internal and external parasites about 15 days before pairing. Secondly, prepare the pigeon house, cage and utensils, you can use 3 or 4 layers cage, usually rectangular, with water trough, food trough, health care sand cup and egg laying nest. Third, about 1 week before entering the pigeon, a comprehensive disinfection of the environment inside and outside the house.

(2) Pairing method is a free pairing. After the child pigeons reach sexual maturity around 6 months old, they are free to pair up. The advantage is that it is convenient and saves manpower; the disadvantage is that it is easy to cause inbreeding and early mating, which is not good for getting good offspring. The other type is artificial pairing.

Choose good male and female pigeons and put them in the same cage to let them pair up and breed. This method can overcome the disadvantages of free pairing and is especially suitable for caged meat pigeons.

(3) Precautions First, prevent the breeding pigeons from being too fat or too thin. Scientific preparation of the diet and mastering the appropriate number and quantity of feedings. Secondly, identify male and female to prevent mismatch. If the eggs are still not laid after half a month, or if two eggs are found in the nest on the same day, you should re-identify the male and female. Third, observe more during the first 3 days of forced pairing and if you find fighting, take apart and re-match.

Add the herbal formula for egg increase to the pigeon's feed - egg increase

3. Incubation and egg lighting

The incubation period of pigeon eggs is 17 to 19 days, the average is 18 days. Generally, the incubation starts after the hen lays 2 eggs, and the male and female participate together and take turns to hold the nest. During the incubation period, the eggs are usually illuminated two times. The first time is 4 to 5 days after hatching. If there are red-brown, spider-webbed blood vessels in the egg with a stable shape, it is a fertilized egg; if no blood vessels are seen in the egg, it is a non-fertilized egg and should be picked out in time.

The second time is done at 9-10 days after hatching. If most of the area inside the egg is black and a transparent blank area is formed at one end due to the enlarged air chamber, it indicates that the embryo is developing healthily; if the black and white in the egg is indistinguishable, there is a sense of fluctuation when turning the egg and the egg shell is gray, it is a dead embryo egg and should be rejected in time.

(1) The first reason for spermless eggs is incomplete nutrition in the diet. Lack of methionine, lysine, vitamin E, B2, B12 and minerals in the feed. Secondly, inbreeding can cause the egg production rate of the offspring to decrease and increase the number of infertile eggs and dead embryo eggs. Thirdly, the mating is not normal. The feathers around the breeder's anus are too thick to reveal the anus and prevent normal mating. Fourth, the breeder is too old or too young.

(2) The causes of dead embryos are first, lack of essential vitamins and mineral elements in the diet. Secondly, the nesting basin is not standardized, the bottom of the nest is too flat, too big and too hard. Third, poor management, feces adhering to the eggs; production pigeons being incubated, if disturbed by sudden noises and cats, rats, etc., often cause the suspension of hatching and the emergence of dead embryos. Fourthly, poor nesting performance of parent pigeons. Fifth, the humidity is too low in the late incubation period and the water evaporates too fast.

(3) Careful management, reduce broken eggs caused by many reasons: First, the nest structure is not good, no bedding or the bottom is too flat, the two eggs are not concentrated, easy to be broken by the parent pigeon. Secondly, male and female pigeons do not get along with each other, especially the newly mated pigeons, which often peck each other and trample on the eggs. Third, strangers interfere or breeders act rudely, the pigeons are frightened and trample the eggs. Fourth, the breeder's diet is not complete, the breeder should adjust the diet according to the specific situation.

Fourth, to improve the fertilization rate and fertility of pigeons herbal medicine

Adding egg-enhancing herbal formula to pigeon feed - egg-enhancing powder, with the main ingredients Epimedium, Angelica, Yang Qi Shi, Incense, Motherwort and Huang Lian Su, can improve the fertilization rate of pigeons, increase egg production of egg-laying birds, improve egg production rate, tonify the kidneys and benefit the spleen, safely promote the egg production rate and prevent soft-shell eggs. The herbal extracts are non-resistant and safe to promote egg production rate.

It can regulate the intestinal function and improve the feed conversion rate. It can be used three weeks before the start of laying to improve the egg production rate and reach the peak of egg production quickly.

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