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2017-06-15 来源: 留学杂志 评论0条




这位南京姑娘在美国大学的毕业演讲,惊艳了世界! - 1



Greetings! Friends, family, faculty and staff. Welcome to Boston University on such a beautiful Friday night.


My name is Yujing Cai, and I am a graduate of the Master of Mathematical Finance program. I come from Nanjing, China, one of the oldest cities in the world. Right now, my family is sitting somewhere over there. They travelled literally across half of the world to see their baby girl graduate and talk in a language that they don’t understand. Therefore, I am tremendously grateful for this opportunity to share my perspective of 6 years at the Questrom School of Business.


One of the things I have always enjoyed doing while waiting for classes was looking at the different country flags in the atrium. Sometimes my friends and I even have a silly competition going on to see who knew more flags, and it often amazed me how many different cultures and nationalities are represented in our community.


In a community so diverse, mutual understanding doesn’t come easily, so I tried hard to be adaptive from the very beginning. Soon, I found myself adjusting to the bigger food portion, and railways in the middle of the road. I even tried fortune cookies for the first time in my life! Soon, I felt so content with this progress and I gradually built a cozy nest with people of my culture, my age, and who thought and acted exactly like I did. Why bother talking to anyone else? The job-hunting process and coursework were already so tiring, and meeting people outside my circle just seemed so unnecessary and scary.


(幸运饼干Fortune Cookie: 美式中餐馆提供的打开后有祝福纸条的饼干)

Then one day this changed. It was a normal school day, and I was in the atrium looking at the flags as always. I saw that the flag of China was surrounded nicely by the flags of Canada, Colombia, Chile and DR Congo, and suddenly it struck me that I didn’t know anyone of those nationalities. What a waste it was for me to ignore the diversity of experience and opinions that the community had to offer! I was determined to change, but it wasn’t easy.


I experienced the awkwardness of having to explain a joke that nobody understood, the nervousness of asking questions about other cultures that seemed so obvious and silly, and the anger of defending my beliefs only to get suspicion and aloofness in return. But fortunately, these discomforts were soon taken over by things like the amusement of teaching my classmates to pronounce my last name, Cai, using a part of their tongue that they didn’t know existed, the excitement of promoting our Math Finance culture awareness events in the Questrom Graduate Council, the satisfaction of knowing all the authentic secret restaurants around Boston and the astonishment of seeing the world and myself in a way that I could never have imagined before.


Over the past 2 years of graduate school and 4 years of undergraduate before that, I have been so proud to see that our school grew from School of Management to Questrom School of Business, and that our community is growing stronger and more vibrant each year, and this couldn’t have happened without the effort of everyone here to share, to inspire, and to embrace each other.


Let’s now think about the future. 20 years from now, what kind of challenges are we going to face, as family members, as business owners, as human beings? Nobody knows. To cope with that amount of uncertainty, we will need a diverse set of skills and knowledge, and most important of all, an open mind to learn. That’s why we have been so lucky to be part of the Questrom community that cultivated such freedom of an open mind.

让我们想想未来。20 年后,作为家庭成员,作为企业老板,作为人类,我们将面临什么样的挑战?没有人知道。为了应对如此多的不确定性,我们需要储备多样化的技能和知识,而更重要的是,要有开放的思想去学习。这就是为什么成为凯斯特罗姆群体的一部分是如此的幸运,因为它培养了开放思想的自由。

So, congratulations, class of 2017! For when you walk outside that door today, you are already equipped with one of the most critical skills to succeed in the future, the ability to embrace diversity. Thank you so much!

所以,恭喜在场的2017 届毕业生!因为当你们今天走出那扇门时,你已经具备了未来成功的关键竞争力之一,即拥抱文化多样性的能力。非常感谢!


这位南京姑娘在美国大学的毕业演讲,惊艳了世界! - 2
这位南京姑娘在美国大学的毕业演讲,惊艳了世界! - 3
这位南京姑娘在美国大学的毕业演讲,惊艳了世界! - 4


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