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酒店洗碗工city 招聘1人

更新时间 2024-06-06 浏览量 867次 举报此信息 我要顶帖
公司名称 Fullerton hotel Sydney
工作性质 全职
经验要求 需要
学历要求 不限
签证要求 澳洲国籍,永居签证
性别要求 不限
工资水平 面议
工作亮点 环境高大上,英文环境,成长空间
公司地址 1 Martin Place, Sydney Central Business District, 2000, New South Wales, Australia,Sydney,悉尼
联系人 土澳居民dnDnk
联系我时请说明是在 今日悉尼看到的,谢谢!


About The Fullerton Hotels and Resorts: The Fullerton Hotels and Resorts is a leading luxury hotel group with two award-winning properties in Singapore and one in Hong Kong, aside from our brilliant Sydney property. The Fullerton Hotel Sydney is a deluxe hotel set in the heart of Sydney's fashion and finance district. Part of the redevelopment of Sydney's historic General Post Office on Martin Place, The Fullerton Hotel Sydney is situated in the most prestigious address in Sydney, with anything and everything you may need at your doorstep. Uniquely combining Sydney's original General Post Office building with a modern 31-storey tower, the hotel has 416 rooms and suites. The hotel offers impressive event and banquet facilities featuring a flexible and sophisticated pillar free hotel ballroom as well as our heritage ballroom and eight smaller function spaces.


全職酒店洗碗工。有早班和晚班的需求。 38hours a week . 需要良好英語溝通能力。有酒店工作經驗為佳。 個人形象整潔。 每日有免費員工餐早餐午餐和小吃。 這工作有機會成為酒店清潔部主管。必須有permanent full working right in Australia .有意者請投「英文簡歷」到以下電郵並且備注Kitchen Stewart. : [email protected] Please Email : English resume & cover letter to [email protected] please notes in the subject is Kitchen Stewart.
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