根据相关法律法规,作为地产开发商的黄向墨是不允许进行政治捐款的。廉政公署获悉,这笔用Aldi购物袋装着的现金,被交到了时任新州工党秘书长Jamie Clements的手中。
Statement from Xiangmo Huang
1. 此次正在调查听证中被广泛提及的10万澳元捐款,与我完全无关。
I have nothing to do with the alleged $100,000 donation that has been widely mentioned in the inquiry.
2. 这笔款项,并非由我所捐。听证中被指称的捐款者或媒体报道指称的“ 稻草人捐款者” ,我均不认识,也不曾有任何来往。
I am not the source of the alleged donation. I do not know any of the alleged donors of the sum or any of the “straw donors” as referred to in recent reports, nor have I ever had any contact with them.
3. 经由此次听证会的报道,我才得悉其中一名被指称为“ 稻草人捐款者” 的廖全保博士自杀身亡。虽然我不认识廖博士,但得悉这一悲剧,我依然深感震惊和悲伤。
It was not until noticing media reports of the inquiry that I became aware of Dr. Quanbao “Leo” Liao, one of the alleged “straw donors”, who committed suicide. Although I did not know him, I was shocked and saddened to learn of the tragedy.
4. 作为侨社领袖,我经常应邀出席各种活动,包括此次调查听证所涉及的捐款晚宴。主办方之所以邀请我,既是基于对我的认可和尊重,也是希望增加这些活动对参与者的吸引力。
As a leader of the overseas Chinese community, I was frequently invited to a variety of activities, including that fundraising dinner involved in the inquiry. The event organizers invited me not only out of their recognition and respect for me, but also to lend weight to the event so as to further attract attendants.
5. 我再次确认:与我有关的所有捐款, 无论是应政党的要求做出的政治捐款,还是数额远超于此的慈善捐款, 均严格按照澳大利亚法律法规公开、透明、毫无保留地进行了申报。
Once again, I hereby confirm that all donations I made, either political donations made only at the request of political parties, or my donations to charity, which far exceeds the sum of any other donations I made, have been declared in accordance with the Australian laws and regulations, openly and honestly, without reservation.
6. 我早已曾经通过澳洲媒体公开呼吁,应该对政治捐赠制度进行彻底改革,以保护公众、政客及捐款人在内的所有当事方权益。这也是我自 2016 年 7 月起拒绝所有政治捐赠请求、停止任何政治捐款的原因。
As previously reported, I in fact publicly appealed for an overhaul of the political donation system which will be essential to protecting the rights and interests of all stakeholders including the general public, the politicians and the donors, and is also why I have made the decision to decline all political donation requests and cease political donations since July 2016.
7. 在针对政治捐赠制度进行反思与改革的同时,不应将此作为党际斗争或党内斗争的武器,否则就是十分伪善的言行,也是对公众的蔑视与侮辱。
Any reflection or reform of the political donation system should not be used as ammunition in inter- or intra-party fights, otherwise it would be nothing but acts of hypocrisy, contempt and insult to the public.
8. 澳洲部分媒体利用我进行炒作,我能够理解此种媒体市场的商业竞争行为,但仍希望、也相信诸位记者朋友们能更多地将精力放到推动和监督相关的改革上,更好发挥媒体守护社会的作用。
Some Australian media outlets take advantage of me for the effect of sensationalizing the story, which is understandable given the intense business competition in the media industry. Nevertheless, it remains my hope and belief that friends in the media industry shall direct their attention to advocating and pushing for the necessary reforms and resume the role as guardians of the society.
据《悉尼晨锋报》在8月披露,中国亿万富翁黄向墨、前工党负责人Jamie Clements和前州议员王国忠,都将接受调查。
廉政公署首席长官Peter Hall QC将主持听证会,Scott Robertson被任命为协助委员会的律师。
工党认为,12月18日对Sussex Street工党总部的突袭,可能有“不正当的动机”,可能涉嫌行政失当。
ICAC独立监察员Bruce McClintock SC不仅驳回了工党的担忧,而且通过向议会提交的报告,为调查提供了依据。