Dear students,
I am writing to you to provide a further update on advice we have received from the Australian Government regarding the coronavirus outbreak, and to let you know what it means for you, and what the University will be doing to support you as valued members of our University community.
As you may be aware the Australian Government has now suspended travel from all of mainland China to Australia. This applies to everyone except Australian citizens, residents and their families, until further notice.
This means if you have not yet left for Australia, you may not be able to travel here for some time.
I know this news will be upsetting to you, as it is to all of us at the University. Our thoughts are with you and your families, and I want to reassure you we will help you continue your studies with us with as little disruption as possible.
For those who have recently arrived from China, or have come from elsewhere but have come into contact with a confirmed case of coronavirus, you will need to self-isolate for 14 days and we will support you to do this.
For those of you who remain in China, we are working on ways you can continue your studies while you are away from campus.
We will continue to keep you informed and will contact you with updates as soon as we can. Please also check our website, which is being regularly updated, for the latest information and advice. This information will also be available on WeChat.
At the University of Sydney our international students are an important part of our community and we remain committed to doing everything we can to support you during this uncertain time. Please know that you have the support and concern of the entire University community. We look forward to welcoming you back to our campus as soon as we possibly can.
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