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2020-04-15 来源: 悉尼之家 原文链接 评论190条











有人为了让中国“背锅”,把矛头对准中国的海鲜市场。但是,世界权威医学杂志《柳叶刀》近期刊文,对41名最早确诊新冠病毒肺炎的患者进行研究,指出2019年12月1日开始出现症状的首例中国患者与武汉市的华南海鲜批发市场并无接触史。荒谬的是,《每日电讯报》4月4日一篇文章居然把东南亚一处野生动物市场的视频截图标注成华南海鲜批发市场,可惜这家“Langowan Market”和武汉毫无关系。










Statement from the Spokesperson 

of the Chinese Consulate General in Sydney

On 14 April, the Chinese Consulate General in Sydney submitted an article to Australia’s Daily Telegraph newspaper for publication. The article expounded China's view on recent arguments by some in the Australian media that China was "responsible" for the COVID-19 outbreak and clearly pointed out that the so-called “China responsibility” does not hold water. However, we were shocked to see that on 15 April, the Daily Telegraph had maliciously deleted parts of the article and selectively published other sections, calling white black and confounding right with wrong, seriously distorting the basic facts and views of the Consulate General. We deplore this behaviour and have lodged stern representations with The Daily Telegraph.

To be qualified as a media organization, objectivity and accuracy should be the cornerstone and the bottom line. “Redacting” is not a tool to be used by The Daily Telegraph to maliciously tamper with an article from the Consulate General. Freedom of the press is not a "shield" for the deliberate dissemination of false information and irresponsible remarks, nor should there be double standards only publishing what favours one side or voice. The Daily Telegraph's approach will not negate China's active efforts to strengthen epidemic prevention and control and promote international health cooperation. The Daily Telegraph is only demonstrating the malicious intentions of certain people and further damaging the newspaper's reputation.

To set the record straight, the full text of the relevant article from the Consulate General follows:

The So-Called "China Responsibility" on Covid-19 Simply Does Not Hold Water

Recently, certain Australian media outlets have been pushing the argument that China should be held "responsible" for the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, even claiming to demand compensation from China. These claims lack scientific and factual evidence, are full of arrogance and prejudice, and are simply unconvincing.

Firstly, is China to blame for the "original sin" - the outbreak? The answer is No.

Where the virus originated is still unclear and the global “patient zero” remains unknown. Just because COVID-19 was first reported in Wuhan, Hubei Province, does not mean that’s where the virus originated. The Director of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the United States has acknowledged that some people actually died of COVID-19 during last year's flu outbreak in the U.S.. The origin of the virus is a scientific issue that should be left to scientists to answer through solid research.

We live in an era of globalization and regardless of where the virus first occurred it is the common enemy of mankind. The international community never names viruses using any country or place name in order to avoid stigmatization and discrimination against specific ethnic groups. The World Health Organization named the novel coronavirus disease COVID-19, following this international standard. Otherwise, according to that logic, who would be responsible for H1N1?

Some are taking aim at China's seafood market in an attempt to make China take the blame. However, a recent article published in the world's leading medical journal, The Lancet, indicated that a study of the first 41 patients diagnosed with COVID-19 showed that the first Chinese patient, who started showing symptoms on 1 December, 2019, had no history of exposure to the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market in Wuhan. Absurdly, an article in The Daily Telegraph on 4 April labeled a screenshot of a wildlife market in south-east Asia as the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market. The “Langowan Market” in fact has nothing to do with Wuhan.

Secondly, is China responsible for a "cover-up” and “delaying" response to the outbreak? The answer is also No.

China recently published the timeline of its release of information on COVID-19 and advancing international cooperation to the epidemic response, clearly showing how China responded to the outbreak chronologically. At the end of December 2019, The Wuhan Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in central China's Hubei Province detected cases of pneumonia with an unknown cause. On 31 December, the expert team from the National Health Commission (NHC) arrived in Wuhan to conduct an on-site investigation. On 3 January, 2020, China officially began to regularly inform WHO and relevant countries in a timely manner. On 8 January, China initially identified a new coronavirus as the cause of the epidemic. On 11 January, the China CDC uploaded five novel coronavirus whole genome sequences to the website, sharing data with the world and WHO. On 23 January, China shut down Wuhan’s outbound channels, a city that is home to 13 million people (more than half of Australia's population).

Due to the fact that China did not "cover-up or delay" , the CDC of the United States issued a warning about COVID-19 on 15 January and Australia closed its borders from 1 February to all foreigners who had visited China in the previous 14 days.

China was the first country to face the unknown virus attack. In a little over two months, remarkable progress has been made in the prevention and control of the epidemic. The City of Wuhan was "reopened" on 8 April. At the same time, Some countries are still experiencing a massive spread of COVID-19 despite full knowledge of the virus characteristics and repeated calls by the WHO to strengthen prevention. Something must have gone wrong, but China is not to blame. Speaking on the BBC, Richard Horton, editor-in-chief of The Lancet, made it clear that people knew it was coming in the last week of January because the message from China was very clear, and we wasted two months.

Thirdly, is China “shying away” from its international responsibilities? The answer is still No.

At the height of the epidemic in China, the international community provided us with valuable support. With the rapid development of the global pandemic, China is providing support and assistance to the international community within its capacity while continuing to carry out its own epidemic prevention and control work. So far, the Chinese government has provided or is providing supplies to 127 countries and four international organizations, including surgical masks, protective gear and testing reagents. China has donated $20 million dollars to WHO towards international cooperation in fighting the pandemic. Chinese companies have overcome difficulties to produce urgently needed medical supplies for the global fight. We shared China's diagnosis and treatment guidelines with other countries, held video conferences with health experts, and sent medical teams to many countries. Chinese local governments, enterprises and non-government organizations have donated medical supplies to more than 100 countries and regions as well as international organizations.

Some people say that China is doing this to divert attention from its "responsibilities" and to pursue geostrategic interests. This is simply "gauging the heart of a man of integrity with one's own mean measures." China's sole purpose is to save as many lives as possible. It is out of gratitude, but also because of its international responsibilities. China will not stand by while a friend is in trouble, nor will it attach any strings when extending a helping hand. We have never forced any country to buy masks from China, nor asked any country to copy our practices and experience. I want to ask those who accuse China of "mask diplomacy": do you expect China to stand by and do nothing in the face of the global pandemic?

Some people say that test reagents and masks exported from China are “below standard or defective". There is absolutely nothing to worry about. China has always attached great importance to the quality and safety of medical materials and exercised strict management over such products. Of course, quality standards for products in China and in other countries will be different, and there are differences in usage. Improper application by users will also cause some efficacy problems. The Daily Telegraph reported that there had been a "quality issue with Chinese reagents in Spain", but the fact is that the reagents were not supplied by the Chinese government, and the manufacturer clarified that it was not a quality issue but improper use of the reagents. A few days ago, a plane carrying nearly 90 tonnes of medical supplies from Wuhan arrived in Sydney. A spokesman for the Australian Department of Home Affairs made it clear that this was vital to ensure critical medical supplies were available in Australia.

Pandemics have no borders. China will continue to carry out international prevention cooperation in good faith and shoulder its responsibility for an early victory over the pandemic. I suggest that those who are drumming up various arguments about the so-called “China responsibility” ask themselves the following: what are you taking responsibility for and what are you doing in the fight against the virus?

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今日评论 网友评论仅供其表达个人看法,并不表明网站立场。
EBTD 2020-04-15 回复
不明白洋洋洒洒写这么多是给谁看,国内看不到、本地人不看,看了也不相信. 留学生和澳洲华人吗 没有这个声明不相信的还是不相信. 最直接的办法就是大张旗鼓召回领事 限制澳洲奶粉进口. 保证澳洲媒体很快就客观评述. 当然我猜没有这个魄力,上次军舰来访 本来是个提升国格的机会,结果被媒体拍到一箱一箱往军舰上装奶粉,作为代表国家尊严的军人和领事馆工作人员你们真的认为这样做得体吗❓没有一点点损害国家形象吗❓外交无小事,中华民族的睿智怎么就不能被你们体现一下呢❓
Superfun 2020-04-16
使馆的操作有点意思哈,对一个媒体有啥好较劲的,又不是澳洲政府官方的结论,媒体只是代表自己的观点,可能他们的惯性思维觉得澳洲的媒体也是党的喉舌吧🤣。要么你就起诉他们,要么你就跟川普一样骂骂街“Fake News!” , 那么兴师动众的给谁看啊,大外宣太给力了🤣🤣
EBTD 2020-04-16
你看没看当时的新闻❓要是军人去超市买两罐奶粉那没问题,问题是领事馆的外交部货车拉着运到码头一箱一箱往上运,那些货物如你说是军人买的土特产,那算不算公车私用. 一人几罐 是说澳洲超市的观点不适用于中国人吗 还是其它渠道的奶粉,中国农业部和商务部的进出口规定是说可以豁免这种行为吗❓
曼巴 2020-04-16
人均玻璃心 2020-04-16 回复
措辞属于typical propaganda,道理一大堆反驳证据薄弱,最重要的,为写而写,谁也看不到,只是交个作业而已,告诉领导,你看看我表明态度了,立场鲜明,中国必胜,好了我要去参加下一个房地产商的晚宴了
Nabuas 2020-04-16
你们说什么 谁看不到 英文的,当然你看不懂。你有每天观注澳洲主流报吗 这遍文章投去每日电讯报了。你们不知道每日电讯是澳洲主流媒体吗
抱歉改昵称以存在你🐴 2020-04-16
对啊,我也一直在想,今日澳洲这些报道都是报给中国人看的,但是这些报道难道不是更应该用英文写了然后发到推特上给本地人看吗 包括一些很恶劣的种族歧视事件,只给中国人看有什么用 只能挑起看到报道的中国人的仇外情绪,就很无语
EugeniaK 2020-04-16
不懂外交,不懂政治就少说话,少暴露你的智商,建议你认真读读领事发表的文章的最后一句,问问你自己,别人在尽力抗疫,促经济,共度难关的时候,你在这里指手划脚,评头论足,你又真正为抗疫做了什么 为维护自己民族的声誉做了什么 有些人真活该在异国街头被种族主义者打死。
烦先生 2020-04-16 回复
美国疾控中心主任承认了死于流感的人中有新冠,指的是今年1-2月。无耻至极的中共竟然以此作为甩锅的依据🤣 真的是像某人所说,你们看吧,美国人拼命找证据想证明病毒就是源于美国,中国人拼命找别人说话和文章漏洞证明病毒源于美国。这就是区别! 这就是为什么西方根本不需要统战,就可以高度一致地批评中共!既然你说需要科学证明,那你们大言不惭地要世界感谢你们,世界欠你们一个道歉 要脸
Ray 2020-04-16
Ray 2020-04-16
Ray 2020-04-16
你当我哄儿子嘛 我是不可能哄你的,龟儿子😂
论丧家之犬如何假装公理正义 2020-04-15 回复
王云飞 2020-04-16
紫色冬天 2020-04-16 回复
Ray 2020-04-16
红尘~ 2020-04-16
澳洲回扣部部长 2020-04-16

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