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2023-01-02 来源: 今涛拍案 原文链接 评论6条




华裔美国人回应:中国身份和美国身份,哪个更认同(组图) - 1


华裔美国人回应:中国身份和美国身份,哪个更认同(组图) - 2


For the first half of my life, I lived in China (born in China) and the United States. Therefore, I will give a more objective view on this.


Personally, I do not think I am an American, because I believe that the most important basic values in my philosophy are not the so-called freedom of speech, freedom of thought, personal freedom, etc. in the West. Because of the constant immigration, Americans are not a single ethnic group.


华裔美国人回应:中国身份和美国身份,哪个更认同(组图) - 3

The problem is that in the process of growing up, I encountered the following problems: Americans usually don't like China very much, and what's worse, the media and even educational institutions are constantly spreading rumors and attacking China, or brainwashing people to think that China is a terrible place. For example, I have a geography teacher in Grade 9 who "teaches" her students that in China, parents still put sand under the baby's body as diapers, which will squeeze their shoulders and damage the baby's limbs. Yes, there are many such comments in a top blue ribbon high school in California.


Oh, she also said that Hong Kong people are "different" from mainland people because they once lived under British management. Yes, she still stubbornly defended the British occupation of Chinese territory. Needless to say, I left the class with tears after explaining and arguing with her. Especially at that time, I thought I was a Chinese, and I was very proud of it. I would never take this insult lightly.


In addition, there are other bad things that are still going on. For example, Chinese Americans have become scapegoats for almost everything. Even the police know. If they had to choose between Native Americans and Chinese, they would prefer Native Americans. Most of the time, this is not even "racism". They just know the fact that the Chinese will not cause any trouble, have too many contacts and resources to provoke anything, and will remain silent about any injustice.


华裔美国人回应:中国身份和美国身份,哪个更认同(组图) - 4

For example: Oh, as an Asian, you must be 200 points higher than white people and 400 points higher than black or Hispanic people to enter the school you want? Then go and study hard. Oh, you are an Asian heterosexual male and want to be an engineer, but schools like MIT "don't want to have Asian males anymore"? No problem. Let's economize on food and clothing, and then send our son to an extremely expensive private elite boarding school (almost all white people). This school will have the priority. Asians usually do this: we always obey, not demand change.


华裔美国人回应:中国身份和美国身份,哪个更认同(组图) - 5

Most importantly, my parents will constantly tell me not to contact Americans too much, because "they will never really care about you. The Chinese will care more about you", which is not entirely correct, but I am very inclined to say that, after all, "it is not my race, its heart will be different".


Therefore, in a word, I didn't have "American pride" at that time, and I never felt that I would really become "one of them".


But later I found that it was not impossible. Because I found that, on the other hand, Chinese people will be as ruthless as some white people. Of course, they will chat with me according to my appearance, but after a short interaction with me, they will judge whether I am "one of them". I speak without an accent and have different hobbies. Even from the way I dress, they can see that this is different: I like European mainstream and culture and fashion, and they prefer East Asian style clothes. So they can immediately identify that I am not in the same circle with them, and then exclude me.


华裔美国人回应:中国身份和美国身份,哪个更认同(组图) - 6

The most important thing is that when I encounter difficulties, when I need help, I get a lot of help from Westerners in my life. Later, I didn't know how to become estranged from East Asians. Although my mother said that I was just deliberately ignoring the Chinese, I didn't actually avoid anyone, because all her friends were Chinese, and most of my close friends were not, but they were often not Americans, but from other countries, such as European countries, and sometimes the Middle East.


I think you can call me a cosmopolitan. For my mother, I have too many "foreign acquaintances". If I take these friends home for the night, she will be very angry. Chinese? No problem, non Chinese? They were immediately alert and became very suspicious.


So after all this, the wisdom I gained is that patriotism is complete as an ideology. Identity politics is evil. The only way you should accept for yourself is you. Don't let anyone tell you who you are or should be. So, if I am not a Chinese, not enough to be a Chinese, not enough to be an American, then who am I? I'm a person, that's all. Why must I be Chinese or American, or both? I am neither realistic nor possible.


华裔美国人回应:中国身份和美国身份,哪个更认同(组图) - 7


I personally agree with Chinese people. Although I have lived in the United States for most of my life and acquired American citizenship several years ago, I still feel that I am obviously different from Americans. I have grown up in China and the United States, and I must feel that I am in the great gap between the two countries; I can't really understand American culture, but I can't understand some aspects of Chinese culture. However, despite staying in the United States for so long, as an Asian American, there is a different feeling, that is, there is an embarrassing identity recognition.


华裔美国人回应:中国身份和美国身份,哪个更认同(组图) - 8

I came to America when I was very young, and I didn't know English. In a sense, I was lucky enough to be young enough to learn English quickly, so when I was in junior high school, I could express myself more fluently than other non-native speakers. When I was young, I didn't realize the difference between my friends and me, living in a "white" city. I felt like I was being subtly suffocated, like a white man being stuffed into my throat, because I rarely saw people like me. But even if I try to act more like a "white man" and try to assimilate with my peers in school, differences still exist.


I am grateful that my parents did not insist that I immediately assimilate with the white people around me, but insisted that I understand our own Chinese language and culture. Although my public life focuses on integrating with people, I feel more free in my private life and can express things in the language that people I meet privately think is "cool" and "foreign". Even though I know more English than I know Chinese, nothing makes me feel like I came back to China to see my family. It's very gratifying to go out and see people who look like you and feel that you don't need to be different to fit in.


Strictly speaking, I am an American. But this is not a part of me; I find my Chinese ancestry and being an Asian are more important in my identity, because I live in a very white place. As I can slowly accept my Asian identity, I can find more consolation in the white ocean. Now, I am no longer afraid to stand out.


华裔美国人回应:中国身份和美国身份,哪个更认同(组图) - 9


Frankly speaking, as a Chinese living in the United States, I think this problem is ridiculous. I have met many Chinese Americans in the place where I live, that is, the San Jose Bay Area. I mean, there are many Chinese Americans living here.


From what I have seen, I can safely say that most of them, especially those born or raised in the United States, have nothing to do with China or Chinese people. Are they white Americans? Of course not, because there is a very clear Asian American identity, which is different from white people in many aspects. But not being white does not mean they have relations with China.


Most of them do not speak Chinese, or at least do not speak with satisfactory proficiency. They can't and can't read Chinese. They did follow some Chinese traditions, but mainly because their parents (usually the first generation immigrants) followed them, and they grew up in this way. this is it. All their Chinese ancestry seems to have been imposed by the first generation of immigrant parents.


华裔美国人回应:中国身份和美国身份,哪个更认同(组图) - 10

In addition, their behavior is 100% the same as that of other Americans of color living in urban areas. Once they have their own families, they have no motivation to abide by these traditions, nor are they interested in passing them on to the next generation. Therefore, even this superficial Chinese character will disappear in the third generation.


To be honest (maybe a little harsh), I don't understand why many first generation Chinese immigrants forced their children to learn Chinese and follow Chinese traditions. If you are born with Chinese ancestry, so you can speak some Chinese, you will not succeed in the United States. Your child may be better off learning Spanish or even Latin. They won't, and you won't let them "return" to China to live there.


Why do you impose these things on them just because you want them to be more like you? There are many German, Italian, Irish and Dutch Americans, but they will not force their children to learn German, Italian, Irish or Dutch because these languages are not so useful in the United States. In most cases, their children's time is best spent elsewhere.


Learning a language, especially a language like Chinese, is inevitably difficult and time-consuming for an English speaker, so it is impossible for your child to speak Chinese skillfully through weekend school. In the end, most of them don't use it, and then they forget all their Chinese knowledge.


I do not see similar problems in Germany, the Netherlands or Hispanic Americans. Of course, all hyphenated Americans are Americans, and they identify with Americans more. In most cases, this is their only self-identity.


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